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What We Do

CIVSOC members engage with a range of social, professional, and educational opportunities. Whether you wish to meet new people through our families program, need individual 1-to-1 support through our buddy system, or want to expand your horizons by attending our informative ICE/IStrctE talks - we will have something for you! 

Image by Peter Albanese


build friendships with Civil Engineering students from all years.

Industry Talks

Join weekly talks by industry professionals discussing relevant topics and develop a broader understanding of Civil Engineering in the world.


Meet new people and enhance your CV with CIVSOC buddies

Site Visits

Visit construction projects and learn more about the roles and responsibilities of a civil engineer in industry.

In Person Events

We can’t wait to see you all in-person! Here are a few examples of the socials happening this year.

Freshers Tour

In freshers week, we’ll be taking the new civils on a tour of the engineering department buildings and other useful places on campus. The tour will, of course, end at the pub!

Family Socials

These socials are with your CivSoc family, hosted by some of our older students. They include Halloween, Christmas dinner, and pancake day get-togethers, after which we’ll head to a club for a boogie with the other families. 

Curry Night

We’ll be heading out to an Indian restaurant for a catch up and a korma! 

Winter Ball

A night of formal attire, food and festive fun! Details TBC, previous years have included a 3-course meal, live band, tombola and photographer.

Sports Day

This will be a primary school-style sports day- a great chance to show off your egg-and-spoon race skills!

Pub crawls

Does what it says on the tin - often with other societies, these can be a great chance to meet some non--civil engineers!

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